Recreation center Aktam

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Miory district, Murashki village.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 55°35.614' N, 27°25.559' E

Today Friday, 07.02.2025
 16:58 Minsk


Reservation Department

The recreation center «Aktam» is located in the Miorsky district of the Vitebsk region. The houses are surrounded by a mixed clean forest with beautiful ornamental shrubs. Not far away is Lake Vazha, which is included in the Braslav group of lakes. Guests live in cozy houses in the rooms of different categories, where there is everything you need for a pleasant time. Catering is organized in the dining room: local chefs are ready to offer a wide variety of dishes, including using the products of their own farm. You can condemn to this place with the children, since a playground with various swings, horizontal bars, and carousels has been created for them.

Employees of the recreation center are ready to offer corporate events: a large banquet room is located in the dining hall building. In the usual time will also be what to do. For guests there is a Russian sauna, a cafe. On the territory there are gazebos and barbecue areas, as well as an equipped beach. On the lake you can organize fishing, ride a boat or catamaran. The most active vacationers can spend time playing volleyball or table tennis. They also offer to go on sightseeing tours of Braslav, Miory, Pastam and Mosar. And in the season of picking mushrooms and berries, guests can go to the nearest forest, which is rich in gifts of nature.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

1-room double standard (houses №1- 5)

3 meals a day included in the price

 conveniences on the floor / TV and fridge in the hall
07-February -  31-May-2025 5460
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 5460 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room double standard / with double bed (houses №1- 5)

3 meals a day included in the price

 conveniences on the floor / TV and fridge in the hall, double bed
07-February -  31-May-2025 5460
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 5460 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room double / comfort (house №5)

3 meals a day included in the price

 WC, shower, washstand / TV and fridge in the hall
07-February -  31-May-2025 5950
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 5950 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room triple standard (houses №1- 5)

3 meals a day included in the price

 conveniences on the floor / TV and fridge in the hall
07-February -  31-May-2025 8190
   Cost for room (house) for 3 people 8190 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room standard for 4 people (houses №1-3)

3 meals a day included in the price

 conveniences on the floor / TV and fridge in the hall
07-February -  31-May-2025 10920
   Cost for room (house) for 4 people 10920 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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x7   comfort or 7 people (house №6)

3 meals a day included in the price

 WC, shower, washstand / TV and fridge in the hall
07-February -  31-May-2025 12250
   Cost for room (house) for 7 people 12250 a day.
C  01-June-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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